Ignoranz und Dummheit aufgespießt

Won­derful! And so true! 

Israe­li tele­vi­si­on show Eretz Nehe­de­ret, mea­ning »won­derful coun­try,« has poked fun at Wes­tern libe­ral sup­port for the Hamas ter­ro­rist orga­niza­ti­on in a new clip, released on Sunday. 

Throug­hout the show, the come­di­ans make fun of the igno­rance and appa­rent hypo­cri­sy of stu­dents sup­port­ing Hamas, a regis­tered ter­ro­rist orga­niza­ti­on that does not share the values asso­cia­ted with Wes­tern libe­ra­lism.

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