Why you should leave Facebook. Now.

And no, you are not the spider.

I only just left Face­book (again), and then the­re is this. I can­not stop nod­ding.[1]https://gizmodo.com/former-facebook-exec-you-don-t-realize-it-but-you-are-1821181133 [2]The same – hate, bul­ly­ing, mani­pu­la­ti­on – and worse hap­pens on You­tube as well

»God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains

Even more eye-opening:

»I think we have crea­ted tools that are rip­ping apart the social fabric of how socie­ty works

Face­book of cour­se is not the only site whe­re we are mani­pu­la­ted – or pro­grammed to be precise.

»It’s easier to fool peo­p­le than to con­vin­ce them that they’ve been foo­led

This is EXACTLY what con­cerns me. [3]… and some other things, but I’ll come back to this later If we want this mons­ter to die, we need to stop fee­ding it.

Lea­ve Face­book. Quit Insta­gram. Drop Whats­app. Now.

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