Dieser Tage dachte ich so beim Radiohören: Merkwürdig, dass ich seit Kriegsbeginn noch gar nichts von Cat Stevens alias Yusuf Islam gehört habe. Nicht einen Song. Musikredakteur:innen von heute kennen den wahrscheinlich nicht mehr. Trendet ja nirgendwo, ist nicht mal bei Tik-Tok.
Okay, dann woll’n wa mal…
Ich habe drei Sachen rausgesucht, die ich passend finde – so passend irgendetwas in Kriegszeiten sein kann. Kann sein, dass ich eine kleine Serie draus mache. Wir werden sehen bzw. hören.
Natürlich fängt das jetzt mit Peace Train an. Da habe ich bei YT eine schöne frische Version gefunden. Sogar mit dem Altmeister himself.[1]Aus irgendeinem Grund starten die Videos nicht immer am Anfang. Ich habe keinen Weg gefunden, das zu ändern, sorry. Einfach eben gerade selber gerade den Slider nach links schieben.
Und hier ist der Text:
Peace Train Now I've been happy lately Thinking about the good things to come And I believe it could be Something good has begun Oh I've been smiling lately Dreaming about the world as one And I believe it could be Some day it's going to come 'Cause out on the edge of darkness There rides the Peace Train Oh Peace Train take this country Come take me home again Now I've been smiling lately Thinking about the good things to come And I believe it could be Something good has begun Oh Peace Train sounding louder Reside on the Peace Train Come on the Peace Train Yeah Peace Train Holy Roller Would everyone jump up on the Peace Train Come on the Peace Train Get your bags together Come bring your good friends too Our cause is getting nearer It soon will be with you And come and join the living It's not so far from you And it's getting nearer Soon it will all be true Oh Peace Train sounding louder Reside on the Peace Train Come on now Peace Train, Peace Train Now I've been crying lately Thinking about the world as it is Why must we go on hating Why can't we live in bliss 'Cause out on the edge of darkness There rides the Peace Train Oh Peace Train take this country Come take me home again Oh Peace Train sounding louder Reside on the Peace Train Come on the Peace Train Yes Peace Train Holy Roller Would everyone jump up on the Peace Train Come on, come on, come on Yes come on Peace Train yea This is the Peace Train Come on the Peace Train Oh Peace Train
Dann wäre da natürlich auch Where Do The Children Play?
Und hier ist der Text:
Where Do The Children Play? Well I think it's fine, building jumbo planes Or taking a ride on a cosmic train Switch on summer from a slot machine Yes, get what you want to if you want, 'cause you can get anything I know we've come a long way We're changing day to day But tell me, where do the children play? Well you roll on roads over fresh green grass For your lorry loads pumping petrol gas And you make them long, and you make them tough But they just go on and on, and it seems that you can't get off Oh, I know we've come a long way We're changing day to day But tell me, where do the children play? Well you've cracked the sky, scrapers fill the air But will you keep on building higher 'Til there's no more room up there? Will you make us laugh, will you make us cry? Will you tell us when to live, will you tell us when to die? I know we've come a long way We're changing day to day But tell me, where do the children play?
Last but not least noch Sad Lisa.
Wer jetzt noch nicht Pipi in den Augen hat – damit kriege ich euch! 🙂
Und dies ist der Text:
Sad Lisa She hangs her head and cries in my shirt She must be hurt very badly Tell me what's making you sad, Li? Open your door Don't hide in the dark You're lost in the dark You can trust me 'Cause you know that's how it must be Lisa, Lisa Sad Lisa, Lisa Her eyes like windows tricklin' rain Upon her pain getting deeper Though my love wants to relieve her She walks alone from wall to wall Lost in her hall She can't hear me Though I know she likes to be near me Lisa, Lisa Sad Lisa, Lisa She sits in a corner by the door There must be more I can tell her If she really wants me to help her I'll do what I can to show her the way And maybe one day I will free her Though I know no one can see her Lisa, Lisa Sad Lisa, Lisa
Und falls ich das nicht fortführen muss, weil überraschend der Frieden ausbricht, mir soll’s recht sein.
↑1 | Aus irgendeinem Grund starten die Videos nicht immer am Anfang. Ich habe keinen Weg gefunden, das zu ändern, sorry. Einfach eben gerade selber gerade den Slider nach links schieben. |